Monday, August 31, 2009

All about Geta Gama..............

I've talked to you about Geta in past blogs but there is NEW news today! The Electric Quilt Co and website interviewed Geta and it's really a wonderful and intersting interview. You'll get right into the heart of this lovely and creative woman. And the really cool thing is, Geta now has her first e-book ready for purchase. And I'm betting it's got every little detail possible to teach us how to make shadow trapunto projects like Geta's beautiful work.

So, stop by and visit Geta.

The interview at Electric Quilt:

You'll find her new e-book here and some other beautiful works.
Geta's website and shop.

Geta's blog and all of her other goodies that she makes.

1 comment:

  1. And there is also a giveaway for one of her FABULOUS trapunto wall hangings !!!!!!!!!
